IaC Network Ops

GORE19, April 6th, 2017


Some Context

About Me - Christian Adell

  • DevOps Network Engineer at Schibsted Media Group
  • Former Network Engineer at CCMA / TV3
def how_to_get_in_contact(channel):
    username = 'chadell'
    if channel in ['linkedin', 'github']:
        return username
    elif channel == 'twitter':
        return "{}0".format(username)
    elif channel == 'email':
        return "{}@gmail.com".format(username)
        Raise ConnectionError('You will find me running in some mountain')

Schibsted Media Group

Platform Edge Network Services

  • What are we working on?

    • Edge Networking
    • DDoS Mitigation
    • DNS
  • Credits:

    • Valentin Gutierrez
    • Stein Ove Rosseland



  • Provide <1.2ms network latency to an specific Provider
  • Peering in Amsterdam and Frankfurt
  • Use a IaaS provider who provides the virtual routers
  • Future new PoPs over other IaaS providers or On-premises

What was expected from us?

  • Network Configuration
    • High-availability, critical business operation $$$
    • No network engineers to operate it
    • DevOps teams behind, "you build it, you run it"
  • Network Monitoring
    • Integrate with current SaaS monitoring solutions
      • Metrics
      • Logging

Overall idea

Let's meet our friends

Dynamic Infrastructure

In our case, a Public Cloud, but it applies to whatever infrastructure being:

  • Programmable: API, SDK
  • On-demand: creation and destruction
  • Self-service: you build it, you run it!

i.e. OpenStack, Google Cloud, AWS, Azure

Version Control System

Enables cooperation and continous improvement

  • Changes traceability
  • Rollback
  • Correlation of changes of different elements
  • Visibility
  • Automatic trigger of later actions (testing, etc.)

i.e. Git (GitHub, BitBucket), Subversion

Continous Integration

Verifies your work before getting burnt

  • Frequently integrating and testing all changes to a system as they are being developed
  1. Install/Compile new code from VCS
  2. Test it
    • Low-level: Unit testing
    • High/Mid-Level: Functional, Load, Stress testing
  3. Deploy it to a Repository
    • i.e. Python Pypi, RPM package

i.e. TravisCI, Jenkins, TeamCity

Continous Deployment

Automates provisioning in multiple environments

  1. From a source code in VCS
  2. Configuration
    • trigger
  3. Bake
    • Provider, Base OS
  4. Deploy in a/multiple Dynamic Infrastructures
    • Account / Environment
    • Network, Capacity
    • Secrets and permissions

i.e. Spinnaker, Jenkins

Test Environment

Provision Dynamic Infrastructure

Dynamic infrastructure

"Conditions": {
    "Resources": {
        "VyOsInstance": {
            "Properties": {
                "ImageId": {
                    "Fn::FindInMap": [
                        { "Ref": "AWS::Region" }, 
                        "AMI" ]
                "InstanceType": "t2.micro",
                "KeyName": "whatever",
                "NetworkInterfaces": [
                        "DeviceIndex": "0",
                        "NetworkInterfaceId": { "Ref": "Eth0" }
                "Tags": [{
                        "Key": "Name",
                        "Value": "edge-vyos-router"
            "Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance"

Iterate on Dynamic Infrastructure

Routers' database

"fqdn": "router5.whatever.com",
 "public_ip": "",
 "mgmt_ip": "",
 "model": "cisco",
 "location": "Amsterdam",
 "user": "whatever",
 "auth_key": "whatever",
 "priv_key": "whatever",
 "auth_protocol": "usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol",
 "priv_protocol": "usmDESPrivProtocol",
 "oids": {
    "": "sysServices",
 "mibs": {
    "IF-MIB": {
        "table": "ifTable",
        "symbols": ["ifInOctets", "ifOutOctets"],
        "metric_tags": {
            "tag": "interface",
             "column": "ifDescr"}

Provisioning network devices

J2 Templates (per NOS)

#  Monitoring config
set interfaces loopback lo address {{ router['mgmt_ip'] }}/32
set interfaces vti vti1 address {{ router['vpn_aws']['vti_ip']}}/30
set interfaces vti vti1 description 'VPC tunnel 1'
set interfaces vti vti1 mtu '1436'
set protocols static interface-route next-hop-interface 'vti1'

# SNMPv3 config
set service snmp v3 view rootmib oid ''
set service snmp v3 group Group1 seclevel 'priv'
set service snmp v3 group Group1 view 'rootmib'
set service snmp v3 user admin group 'Group1'
set service snmp v3 user admin auth plaintext-key {{ router['auth_key'] }}
set service snmp v3 user admin privacy plaintext-key {{ router['priv_key'] }}

Final Test environment

Generate snmp.yaml


{% for router in router_table %}
 - ip_address: {{ router.monitoring_ip }}
   enforce_mib_constraints: false
   user: {{ router.user }}
   authKey: {{ router.auth_key }}
   privKey: {{ router.priv_key }}
   authProtocol: {{ router.auth_protocol }}
   privProtocol: {{ router.priv_protocol }}
   timeout: 2
       - {{ router.fqdn }}
       - {{ router.location }}
       - {{ router.model }}
{% for oid, name in router.oids.iteritems() %}
       - OID: {{ oid }}
         name: {{ name }}
{% endfor %}

Production environment


# Interfaces configuration
  - name: 'bond1.193'
    parent: 'bond1'
    vlan: '193'
    ip_address: ''
    priority: '200'
      - ip: ''
# BGP Configuration
asn: 111
  - ''
router_id: ''
  - ip: ''
    asn: 222
    med: False
    localpref: False
  - ip: ''
    asn: 111
    multi_hop: 0


  - address-group:
    name: 'STAFF-ACCESS'
      - ''
  - rule:
    source: 'STAFF-ACCESS'
    destination: 'EXPOSED-SERVERS'
    protocol: 'tcp'
    destination_port: '22'
    action: 'accept'
  - rule:
    internal_ip: ''
    external_ip: ''

J2 Templates (per NOS)

# BGP peerings
{% for peer in router['peers'] %}
{% if peer.multi_hop != 0 %}
set protocols bgp {{ router['asn'] }} neighbor {{ peer.ip }} ebgp-multihop {{ peer.multi_hop }}
{% endif %}
{% if peer.med %}
set protocols bgp {{ router['asn'] }} neighbor {{ peer.ip }} route-map export 'MED100'
{% endif %}
{% if peer.localpref %}
set protocols bgp {{ router['asn'] }} neighbor {{ peer.ip }} route-map import 'SETLOCALPREF'
{% endif %}
set protocols bgp {{ router['asn'] }} neighbor {{ peer.ip }} prefix-list export 'EXPORT-IP-RANGES'
set protocols bgp {{ router['asn'] }} neighbor {{ peer.ip }} remote-as {{ peer.asn }}
set protocols bgp {{ router['asn'] }} neighbor {{ peer.ip }} soft-reconfiguration 'inbound'
{% endfor %}

Continous Validation

def _validate_attributes(self, attrs):

    if not ipaddress.ip_address(attrs['public_ip']).is_global:
        log.error('[Router] public_ip (%s) is not a valid IPv4 address', attrs['public_ip'])
        raise ValueError

    if not ipaddress.ip_address(attrs['mgmt_ip']).is_private:
        log.error('[Router] mgmt_ip (%s) is not a valid IPv4 address', attrs['mgmt_ip'])
        raise ValueError

    if attrs.get('oids') is not None:
        if not isinstance(attrs['oids'], dict):
            log.error('[Router] invalid oids definition: %s', attrs['oids'])
            raise ValueError

        for oid, name in attrs.get('oids').iteritems():
            if not re.match("^\d+.)*\d+$", oid):
                log.error('[Router] Oid (%s) is not in a valid format', oid)
                raise ValueError

Lessons learned

  • Don't have fear, there are friends willing to help out there!
  • Learn from failures
  • Start small, solve concrete issues (80-20)
  • When everything is running, destroy it and recreate from scratch
  • Test by default
  • After some time, look back at your early code and LoL

Next Steps

  • Add new user-cases (templates, scenarios)
  • Why not adopt a data model language (YANG)?
  • Automatic configuration deployment -> DEV -> PRO
  • Provide a seamless integration with developers
  • More and more testing

SDN meetup - Friday 14:30